The overwhelming abstinence of the slav-macedonian element from the referendum in Skopje is, in essence, a total rejection of the “Prespa Agreement”. (Even those who voted said they were doing it with a “heavy heart”). Their attitude is an act that we have to interpret. Because i...
The problem of Greece with Skopje could only be resolved with an honest compromise. I spoke recently about the characteristics and the direction that such a compromise ought to have. The Tsipra-Zaef agreement, however, does not lead to the solution of the problem, because the compromise on which it reli...
The Italian crisis scares Europe and worries Greece. Do you think it will affect the exit of the Greek economy from the program and the agreement for the future? The Italian crisis has been expected for many years. Italy may have primary surpluses, but the most important thing was that its GDP has stagn...
Unfortunately, almost ten years after the outbreak of the crisis, our society still remains in a state of collective hallucinations. The fact that, in order to help save the country from its complete destruction, our partners have requested to estimate the number of civil servants who are paid by the st...
The bankruptcy of 2009 had a good effect as well. It marked the death of politics as we knew it until then – the old politics – but only after the country had to pay a very high price for it. The old politics, as a thought, as a discourse and as a deed, is ...