For the Unemployed (with Dimitrios A. Ioannou)
We have to find “unprecedented” solutions to a “historically unprecedented” problem For the past six years Greece has been hit by, probably, the g...
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Political “new” means demolishing the “patronage state” (with Dimitrios A. Ioannou)
Τhe “patronage state” is the source and the cause of ideological unworthiness, institutional turmoil, social inequality and economic instability and cachexia....
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Statement on the “Old” and the “New” in Politics
Without intending to add to the chatter taking place these past weeks about the “old” and the “new” in politics, I feel I should state the followi...
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The Way Out for Greece (with Dimitrios A. Ioannou)
A widely told narrative of the economic crisis in Greece holds that it is the product of excessive austerity, imposed by arrogant outsiders who misread the situation. The...
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The Greek Universities at a time of economic crisis
Λήψη The most serious and acute problem faced by Greek universities nowadays has to do with the ever diminishing funds allotted by the State, as a result of the unprecede...
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